
The Fifth International Symposium on Explosion, Shock Wave and High-strain-rate Phenomena successfully convened in Beijing

    From September 25 to 28, 2016, the Fifth International Symposium on Explosion, Shock Wave and High-strain-rate Phenomena was ceremoniously convened in Beijing. The conference was co-hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology of Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), and the Collaborative Innovation Center for Safety and Protection of BIT. President assistance of BIT, Professor Long Teng, dean of the School of Electric and Mechanical Engineering, Professor Chen Pengwan, head of the State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Professor Wang Cheng and other experts domestic and overseas attended the symposium.



    The president assistance, Professor Long Teng made the welcoming speech at the opening ceremony while the symposium was hosted by Chairman Chen Pengwan.


    The symposium aims to discuss the latest development in the field of explosion, shock wave and high strain rate phenomena in the aspect of theory, simulation and experiment. The symposium is held every three years and it is so far the most important conference in the field of explosion and shock wave. The last four took place in Kumamoto, Japan, Seoul, Korea and Okinawa, Japan. At this symposium, 17 famous experts were invited to give reports and 99 representatives made group speeches and poster presentations respectively, including Advanced Manufacturing from Macro- to Nanoscale: Impact and Shock Loading by academician A.G. Mamalis of the Greek Planning Center of Nanotechnology and Advanced Engineering, Influence of Microstructure on the Hugoniot Elastic Limit and Spall Strength of Titanium-based Bulk Metallic Glass and its Composites by Professor Naresh Thadhani of Georgia Institute of Technology, Multiscale Modeling of the Mechanical and Optical Responses of Quantum Dot Composites as Internal Stress Sensors Inside Materials by Professor Min Zhou of Georgia Institute of Technology, In-situ Observation of Dynamic Fracture Processes in Geomaterials using High-speed X-ray Imaging by Professor Weinong Chen of Purdue University, Multiphysics Applications in Explosions and Shock Wave Phenomene by Professor Moji Moatamedi of the University of Manchester, Molecular-Dynamic Simulation of Nanocrystal Structure Evolution under Shock Loading by Professor L. A. Merzhievsky of Russian Lavrentiev Fluid Mechanics Insititude, the Mechanical Performance of Polymer Bonded Explosives at High Strain-Rates by Professor William G. Proud of the Imperial College London, Some New Approaches of Explosive Welding by Professor Kazuyuki Hokamoto of Kumamoto University, Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of C/SiC Composites: Micro-structures and Fracture Mechanisms by Professor Li Yulong of Northwestern Polytechnical University, High Resolution Numerical Simulation of Explosion and Impact Problems by Professor Wang Cheng of BIT, the Technique of Magnetically Applied Pressure-Shear and its Applications in Direct Measurement of Material Strength by Professor Wang Guiji of the China Academy Of Engineering Physics and so on.

    There are more than 170 experts and scholars from 16 countries and regions, such as the US, the UK, Russia, Japan and China attending the symposium. After the conference, experts abroad visited the Center of Calculation and Simulation and some laboratories in the State Key Laboratory of School of Mechanical Engineering. They spoke highly of the environment, equipment and achievement of laboratories. The symposium was supported by the Center of International Communication and Cooperation, the School of Electric and Mechanical Engineering and the School of Materials and so on. It was a complete success.

